
Chances are if you’re reading this you already know me… and probably like me. I’ve set this up to try and monetize my opinions and experiences (usually with pop culture) that I used to post with some frequency on other social media sites… you know… like the one you found a link to that brought you here.

I’ve been thinking about it, and as a semi-competent essayist, and professional freelance writer, why shouldn’t I try and bilk my friends out of a few bucks a month for my hard earned context and continuity based opinions on media and culture.

I’m shooting for once a week updates, maybe more, and if this catches on I’ll make a point to have a lot of engagement with all of you for topics, reviews, etc.

Subscribe to My Opinions Aren't Free

Welcome to my focused and relentless home for media criticism and celebration of what I love and hate. I am not a journalist, all content herein is opinion, some of which is fact and experience based.


Max Traster is a professional freelance writer & self appointed media/culture critic. His work here is a chance to be paid for writing he actually wants to do.